
Microsoft Forms – Office 365 for Business Education – HOW TO?

Ever wondered how to create a simple form to integrate to your website, email signature or even a QR code?

Well now its all possible with Microsoft Forms. Whilst this is a fairly new feature within Microsoft Office 365 Business subscriptions, its very simple to navigate and use with the easy interface provided.

To start creating a form you will need to head to were you will be re-directed to login to your Microsoft Office 365 Business platform. After successful sign in, the Form builder will start.

You should something similar to this display on your screen.


The Form Builder allows you to create a Simple Quiz or Form that can be fully customised to your business!

Upon selecting “New Form” you will be prompted with a similar screen to “create a new form” Also allowing to create a set of interactions.


In this instance below, we are using a +Add Question – With TEXT. You will notice that here you can simply add a Question and answer scenario, also the form provides an option to add a image that will link to that particular question.


Remember that once you have created the Microsoft Form setup with the required +Add Question option, that the form can be previewed in the top right hand corner first before publishing, along with some basic theme updates to be on the creative side.


Once you are ready, click on the SHARE button that is also located in the top right hand corner. The next screen will display a list of publishing options.

Notice that the Form is able to be integrated:

  • Via a URL (which can be hyperlinked into a email )
  • QR Code (sent via mobile or printed onto a document for smartphone scanning)
  • Embedded (this enables you to setup within a website, allowing your guests to publish via this Microsoft Forms)
  • Template (this option sends the newly created Microsoft Form via email)

**Also take note that there is a option to allow only people within the organisation to complete the form on publish & only External or Public to also complete the form. This option will need to be set for the forms intended purpose.**

That’s it! The basic fundamentals of how to create a Microsoft Form.

Please, if you found this information helpful – fill out the Form below! 🙂

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